Video First wins Top Prize of Propel Pre-Accelerator!

As the 6 month Ignite Propel Accelerator came to an end – the final event was a showcase event in Ormeau Baths where each start-up had 3 minutes to pitch their product. tgbNymZ7vqY
The Pitch
Video First was the third company to pitch on the night.
To see pitches on the night of the other companies then click here
Accelerator Prizes
There was 3 prizes (£10K, £5K and £3K) available for 3 of the 20 companies on the accelerator. These prizes were based on the performance of the company over the previous 6 months and how far the company had come along.
We are delighted to announce that Video First secured the top prize of £10,000!
It was a wonderful night and almost felt like graduating university – was fantastic seeing just how far everyone had came in each of their company / product journeys.

To learn more about the night, please visit click the following Belfast Telegraph article: -